Welcome to www.kent-test.co.uk
Welcome to www.kent-test.co.uk; The purpose of this site is to provide information to parents about the Kent Test and the service we can offer, to give your son or daughter the best possible chance of passing the 11+ selection tests, which means they will be offered a place at a grammar school. We believe that there is no substitute for face to face tuition and for this reason we do not normally offer online tutorials.
There are also other areas of tuition available as can be seen by exploring this site further. In each case however, the ethos remains the same;
"Each pupil is an individual, with individual requirements, which are met on an individual basis".
We believe that a pupil should pass the Kent Test because they have reached a standard of knowledge and ability suitable for selection to a grammar school. For this reason we do not "coach". Our aim is to teach so that there is no risk that a pupil will pass and then due to 'coaching', struggle at the bottom of a grammar school. We take pride in our standard of tuition knowing that pupils will move on with both ability and confidence. Many progress to University including Oxford and Cambridge.
Why have Private Tuition for the 11+ ?
As parents you are aware of the National Curriculum which must be followed by State Schools. Quite simply, the State School timetable, due to the National Curriculum, does not make provisions in respect of time, for teaching the different concepts required to pass the verbal and non-verbal elements of the Kent Test (11+).
In most State Schools very little time is able to be allocated and this is normally only during the preceeding three or four weeks on a minimal basis. The Independant Schools are not bound by the National Curriculum, although many do follow it. This allows the freedom of choice for teaching time to be allocated to Kent Test concepts and consequently some Independant Schools start their teaching as far back as mid Year Four, others in Year Five.
It can therefore be seen that extra tuition is a realistic option for many accademically able children wishing to gain a place at Grammar school, along with those pupils who are bright, but take a little more time to grasp new concepts.